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Quick & Dirty arcpy: Compare Feature Class Table Schemas

I’m in the process of rewriting a process, moving most of the processing from arcpy to postgresql-enabled python (love me some psycopg2).

One of the QC checks I’m doing at the end of this re-write is just verifying that the feature class schemas are the same (or that the differences are intended)  under the new process as they were in the old process.

And while ArcGIS does have a good tool for this, there were a couple tweaks I wanted to make. Most notably, I wanted a list of fields that are not in both feature classes.

ArcGIS Table Compare

So I made a quick & dirty script to do that, nothing especially clever but I’ve found it useful. Download it from GitHub. I have it currently set up to work on feature layers but you should be able to change the toolbox parameter types to allow feature classes or tables.

import arcpy,sys,os

def printit(inMessage):
    print inMessage

featureclass1 = sys.argv[1]
featureclass2 = sys.argv[2]

tableheaders = 'name, type, width, precision, domain'

def makeFieldDict(inFC):
    d = arcpy.Describe(inFC)
    printit("Dataset: "+d.baseName)
    printit("Type: "+d.dataType)
    printit("Path: "+d.catalogPath)
    printit(" ")


    printit (tableheaders)
    fieldDict = dict()
    printit (lFields)
    for lf in lFields:
        fieldDict[lf.name] = [lf.name,lf.type,lf.length,lf.precision,lf.domain]
        printit (lf.name+", "+lf.type +", "+str(lf.length)+", "+str(lf.precision)+", "+lf.domain)
    return fieldDict

fieldDict1 = makeFieldDict(featureclass1)
fieldDict2 = makeFieldDict(featureclass2)
errorList = []
printit(" ")
printit(" ")
printit("Comparing Fields:")
for iField in sorted(list(set(fieldDict1.keys()+fieldDict2.keys()))):
    if not (fieldDict1.has_key(iField)):
        theResult = " {0} not found in {1}".format(iField,featureclass1)
    elif not (fieldDict2.has_key(iField)):
        theResult = " {0} not found in {1}".format(iField,featureclass2)
        if (fieldDict1[iField] == fieldDict2[iField]):
            theResult = " {0} OK".format(iField)
            theResult = " {0} Have Different Definitions \n   {1}: {2}\n   {3}: {4}".format(iField,featureclass1,fieldDict1[iField],featureclass2,fieldDict2[iField])

    printit( theResult )

printit(" ")
printit(" ")
if len(errorList) == 0:
    printit("GOOD! No difference Found!")
    printit("These Differences Found:")
    for iError in errorList:

